- First and foremost have to reduce weight min 5 kgs :((( i don't know how but at least i put it as my first task. I think poo.. will be happy to see this.. as she had torched me a lot for this but i never listen to her.. :)))
- Increase reading
- Help my mom in home work
- More trading
- Learn something new which i never done yet...may be swimming or driving or playing musical instrument or start again with drawings
- Increase speed for reading novels... i think ami k will be happy to read this...
- Plan for further studies
- Plan to decide my career plan
- Will be more focused in everything
- Keep patience
- Not to think much.
- To become calm
Sunday, December 30, 2007
New Year Resolutions
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
What is important for any relation?
- Honesty
- Trust
- Respect
- Sense of humour
- Ability to accept negatives
- Give more and expect less..
- Sharing common likes and dislikes
- calmness
- patience
- Ability to forgive
- Ability to understand another person's point of view..
and will try for all. Most negative in me is i am little bit impatient and sometime dominating that's thing i think i should change....ohhhh i wrote too much personal. well stop here... :))
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Is it really necssary????
We both were discussing on where we both wanted to go 5 years down the line??? Is we are clear in which field i have to excel and am i going in that direction!!!!!!! Same topic was discussed when i went for ignited programme where our company is planning for career growth plan for each of us.. But frankly speaking i have not yet decided in road map that this is Field i will work and will reach to that place.....
I am really confused on this......... Sometime i feel i am really doing well and do more better in future.. suddenly i start thinking after doing is there any value addition??? and will i be at stage higher that what am i now!!!!!!!!!! i know i have random thoughts on this subject and i really feel now is it really necessary to know what we wanted to achieve in long term and start working on that time table!!!!!!
Because if someone ask about me .. my mind is not so static at present to decide ....
Anyway it was just though and discussed with my friend so might i became more confused.. :))))).....
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
What to do to be successfull
I had been interview by above mentioned external HR consultants. One of them gave gr8 advice for success not directly but shared his friend's success story who is CEO of XXXX company .
Actually we were discussing issue of compensation. He told us that rating , appraisal and all will become issue when employee delivers what is being expected and completes as part of job but there are people who don't care for grade, rating and and just delivers result more than expected.
He told when you deliever more than what is expected by your boss, no one can stop you to receive highest compensation as boss will know your potential and he will be scared of getting hived of by competitors.So definitely you will receive without demanding........
He shared his friend experience who is CEO doesn't having extra ordinary mind or intelligent but has skill to manage his life and enthusiasm to do better than others do and deliver more than what is expected.
He told he also enjoys his personal life too because when he is with family he devotes 100% of time with them so even if others devotes more time with family still its not as effective and wealthy.
Even if its more of gyan or bhashan and not related to interview is being held for, I liked his advice. I don't know whether am i going to implement it or not but would like to put in record and take as note of it......
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Why so??
Anyway even if i am busy today too but suddenly in my mind i got one question... why so????
Not creating suspense of why so its abt me..
Sometime i speak with so much of confidence with people that i really feel gud but some time i become so nervous and unsecured that i can't express things properly. offcourse this depends on individual with whom i am interacting but i really don't understand why so?? becz i know i am very confident abt my self but still some time i feel am i really interacting at my original nature and confidence !!!!!!.. it can be personal or official too.... I hope this things will be cleared out fast ..... can anyone has answer on this stupid question:DDD
Friday, November 2, 2007
"Golden college days………….."
Yeah so I joined NM college.. Its NARSEE MONJEE COLLEGE……… the moment I say I was in NM !!!!!!! people around me will see me as if I am dam intelligent that’s image my college has……. And I proudly say to the people that Yessss.... I was in NM!!!!!!..
Apart from fame NM gave me a lot. The place which gave me everything…….. Because of NM I met few of close friends who all are my pals and will remain forever… Because of NM I got good education and I learnt how to fight and met with world who are more intelligent and smart so crowd made me more competitive and gave me strength to grow…..and may be that could be reason I cracked CA exams.
In NM I was most mischievous and talkative girl. I think in a year my college id was taken minimum 12-13 times by professors even in TY BCOM too he he.. but that doesn’t mean I was not serious about studies I was very serious about my CA and really worried and tensed that whether finally I will become CA or not?? May be less confidence on my self but GOD grace I did it!!!!! Really on those days I used to feel people who clears CA in first attempt must be dam intelligent and what not!!!!! I used to c my senior who cracked in first attempt as if he/she as if they are some genius but now I can imagine how innocent and fool I was :-) anyway its matter of time……….
I can imagine those days…. bunking classes, spending more time in canteen, gossiping, running for notes at exam times in fact I used to buy book before 15 days of the exams some time not even bought books he he …….., those college days..... saree day, rose day, friendship day and most important umang festival and pronites…..
I can’t imagine how much serious I became now and now I changed a lot……….Really all those who says College days are golden period of my life its true for me too………
Those college days of NM
How pleasurable were they,
Of whose friendship I am glad to win,
Years hence recall this time that knows no dearth
Ah! the remembrance of these happy days,
The music and the laughter and the wit,
Age shall grow me with the thought of it.
Friday, October 26, 2007
When someone is doing something or about to do something, in a way I
don't want it to be done and i m not able to accept it I become ANGRY
When someone is doing something or about to do something, in a way I
don't want it to be done and I m able to accept it I remain TOLERANT
When someone is having something or someone is able to produce the results which i m not able to produce and I m not able to accept it I become....JEALOUS. .
When someone is having something or someone is able to produce the results which I m not able to produce and I m able to accept it I get INSPIRED. .
When I m encountering uncertainty or is about to encounter. uncertainty, which I m not sure how I m going to handle and I m notable to accept it it causes..FEAR in me.
When I m encountering uncertainty or is about to encounter uncertainty, which I m not sure how I m going to handle and I m able to accept it I feel ADVENTUROUS. . about it.
When someone has done something that has emotionally hurt me and I m not able to accept it it develops ..HATRED in me.
When someone has done something that has emotionally hurt me and I m able to accept it it helps me .FORGIVE them.
When someone is present in my thoughts, but is not physically present and I m not able to accept it I say I m MISSING U..
When someone is present in my thoughts, but is not physically present and I m able to accept it I say 'I m THINKING of u'...
Thus, EMOTIONAL EQUATION becomes:...
Something + acceptance = POSITIVE EMOTION..
Something + non acceptance = NEGATIVE.. emotion.
So, it is not 'something' or 'someone' who is making me feel positive or
but it's my 'acceptance' or 'non acceptance' of something .or someone, which impacts things & creates these feelings..
*Life is Beautiful *
Monday, October 15, 2007
HERE are some ways of achieving a better balance in your life. Take a moment to read and reflect on these tips — and then get your life in balance!
Don’t overbook:
Don’t try to plan on doing too many things. The problem is that things rarely go according to a prearranged agenda. That means a lot of time falling through the cracks chasing down appointments, unreturned phone calls and other items that simply aren’t going to happen.
Prioritize ruthlessly:
The art of effectively booking your time boils down to knowing what’s important and what can wait. Ask questions that help you determine the level of urgency. Negotiate longer lead times whenever you can. Don’t treat everything as top priority.
Slow Down:
Life is simply too short, so don’t let things pass you in a blur. Take steps to stop and enjoy the things and people around you. Schedule more time between meetings; don’t make plans for every evening or weekend, and find some ways to distance yourself from the things that are causing you the most stress.
Learn to say no:
You don’t have to agree to everything and with everyone. Use your priority criteria to identify requests that simply aren’t worth your time.
The mechanics of how you operate can be every bit as important. That means organizing most every element to allow as smooth a workflow as possible. Eliminating clutter and the chaos it causes will give you a gift of 240 to 288 hours every year. Get rid of the clutter and baggage in your house — and your life.
It won’t always be perfect:
Don’t stress out — and waste time in the process — by obsessing over every second of time. Do what you can and enjoy whatever time you spend more pleasantly or productively.
Let Things Go:
Learn to let things go once in a while. So what if the dishes don’t washed everyday or that the house doesn’t get vacuumed every week. Learn to recognize the things that don’t really have much impact in your life and allow yourself to let them go — and then not beat yourself up for doing so.
Negotiate with your employer:
Progressive employers recognise the value of good employees, and many are willing to find ways to help current employees deal with short-term or permanent changes caused by family situations. The changes can include flextime, job-sharing, telecommuting, or part-time employment.
Share the load:
Even though we may sometimes feel we’re the only ones capable of doing something, it’s usually not the case. Get your partner or other family members to help you with all your personal/family responsibilities.
The key word is balance. You need to find the right balance that works for you. Celebrate your successes and don’t dwell on your failures. Life is a process, and so is striving for balance in your life.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
As i matured
someone love you. All you can do is
talk them and hope they panic and give in
I have larned that no matter how much i care ,
some people are just asshales
I have learned that it takes years
to built up trust and it takes only suspicion,
not proof to destroy it
I have learned that you should not compare yourself
to others - they are more screwed up than you think
I have learned that we are responsible for what we do
unless we are celebrities :DD
I have learned that the people you care most in your life are
taken away from you too soon and all less important ones just
never go away.......................
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
you can improve the welfare of others when your own life is a success
Perfecting Ourselves & Others
There was a millionaire who was suffering with severe eye pain. He consulted many physicians, consumed various medicines, but the pain remained.
At last a monk, who was expert in treating such patients, was called for by the millionaire. The monk understood the problem and instructed that for sometime the millionaire should concentrate only on green colour; and avoid seeing any other colour. The millionaire immediately employed a group of painters, purchased barrels of green paint and directed that every object his eye was likely to fall upon be painted green just as the monk had directed.
When the monk came to visit him after a few days, the millionaire's servants ran with buckets of green paint and emptied it on the sage.
Seeing this, the monk smiled and said, "If only you had purchased a pair of green spectacles, worth just a few rupees, you could have saved these walls, furniture, jewels and other articles; and also saved a large fortune. It is childish to think that you can paint the whole world green."
you can improve the welfare of others when your own life is a success
Monday, October 1, 2007
People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.

Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.!

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

Thank you for being a part of my life, whether you were a reason, a season or a lifetime.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
About librans and me ( From Zodiac)
(Sep 24th - Oct 23rd)Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac and symbolized by the Scales. What’s interesting is that it’s the only symbol in the zodiac that is inanimate. Libra is ruled by the planet Venus and has an air element.Librans are generally good looking with attractive features. Blessed with a clear complexion, fine hair and teeth, they have a magnetic appeal. They are easygoing, charming and enjoy being popular. They innately possess a sense of fine taste. They love collecting things and most build up huge collections over their lifespan. They are particular about keeping their homes tidy and surround themselves with beautiful things.People of this Zodiac are known for their strong sense of justice and fair play. They can be called upon to pronounce impartial judgment in a situation. BY nature, they are peace loving and strive to keep the atmosphere around them that way. They have a great sense of humor and a lot of tact.
Careers and LibraLibrans can be very diplomatic and take to politics and allied careers like fish to water! They can also make good lawyers and administrators. However, their professional work and productivity can be affected by their moods. Librans also display a natural inclination towards art and have abundant creativity. This will helps them fare well in artistic careers especially music.
Negative traits of LibraThose born under this astrology symbol have a tendency to veer towards vices like laziness and greediness and must guard against them. They have a tough time arriving at any decision and this can go against them in life. Their inability to take a stand on any issue may put them at loggerheads with others. They can be big flirts and are quite narcissistic. They can be spendthrifts. They have a tendency to degenerate into gamblers if this tendency goes unchecked.
Libra CompatibilityThey are most compatible with Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius.( ????? don't know) Librans in love make adorable and pleasing partners. They are capable of empathizing with their partner’s feelings. Even after a tiff, they tend to be kind to their partners and thus heal any rift. They are very romantic and tolerant of their partner’s failings.Librans generally possess good health. Libra rules the lumbar region, lower back and kidneys. They must stay wary of weaknesses that could develop in the back and lumbago, besides kidney and bladder problems.Lucky Colours: Pastel Green, Light Blue, Pink
Lucky Numbers: 6,9Libran Celebrities: Oscar Wilde, Kate Winslet, Jean Claude Van Damme
About Libran ( Kelly)
Librans are emotionally impulsive and just love being in love. In fact they can get quite depressed if they feel unwanted. They're also known as 'Lazy Libran' because they don't like to make decisions. They're just happy to go with the flow. They're fantastically beautiful. People will do anything for them. They're affectionate and sympathetic and intensely interested in people. They love entertaining and lots of good food, which means they're forever dieting. They're also the world's biggest spenders.
Long Summary
Librans have a deceptive appearance, looking soft but being tough and quite selfish underneath. Astrological tradition tells us that this sign is dedicated to marriage but a high proportion of them prefer to remain single, particularly when a difficult relationship comes to an end. These people are great to tell secrets to because they never listen to anything properly and promptly forget whatever is said. The confusion between their desire to co-operate with others and the need for self-expression is even more evident when at work. The best job is one where they are a part of an organisation but able to take responsibility and make their own decisions.
While some Librans are shy and lacking in confidence, others are strong and determined with definite leadership qualities. All need to find a job that entails dealing with others and which does not wear out their delicate nerves. All Librans are charming, sophisticated and diplomatic, but can be confusing for others. All have a strong sense of justice and fair play but most haven't the strength to take on a determinedly lame duck. They project an image that is attractive, chosen to represent their sense of status and refinement. Being inclined to experiment sexually, they are not the most faithful of partners and even goody-goody Librans are terrible flirts.
I highlighted qualities which i have..........................
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Yeah to understand job satisfaction one should understand meaning of satisfaction. And I think satisfaction itself is subjective term.
Job satisfaction has different meaning for different human being.
- If you ask for money minded person will answer more money more job satisfaction.
- Some one who is creative and innovative will answer job which gives me opportunity to think and implement one’s idea.
- If you ask to normal human being will answer job which pays me well to run my family whatever will be work .
But one thing which I can understand as job satisfaction means job which makes me HAPPY.
Happiness is the only thing essential for me to work . As if I am not happy i will not able to perform BEST and if i can’t able to perform well i will not survive in competitive world or company will not take me seriously and will not grow in company. so only thing which is important for me is work where i will remain happy as i spend almost half of my time in office and job is just part of life and if i am not happy than it means not happy in life.
That's my thought.... one can add or argue on that...........
Friday, July 27, 2007
What I Expect from my Life?????????
When I was child I was too much immature. I mean nothing strange in that as all normal child was like me.:-)))). My expectation was
§ To get first rank and high score so all people around me praise me J. Yeah little self centered but I used to feel happy when people says hey Ragini ( My mom) your daughter is intelligent specially when my school teacher!!!!!!!
But I was dam lazy to read and all…….. Just because of GOD grace I used to score good but not topper L.. As it was only my expectation but I didn’t tried and made efforts……….
§ When I went to collage I looked around crowd around me and I realized that boss I am nothing !!!!!!!!!!. I am average !!!!!!!!! and not topper in world.. but now I made my mind no this is not done. Wanted achieve at least little above the average person. Ohhhhh I am out of my subject ….. so now I wanted me to have nice crowd of friends and offcourse one best friend to share my thoughts and feelings…… Even I became little possessive abt my mom and offcourse my friends. Now expectation increased.. and still same continuous…J. Wanted to have nice family, lots of friends, enjoy, have fun ,good education and what not yeah but one was missing… I mean never thought of !!!!!!! at that time, can anyone guess it??
§ Yeah so now I will talk about my life expectation after I cleared CA and got Job. Nothing gr8 but at least achieved something.. Now I am in corporate world and seen boss abhi to jyada competition he .U need to fight and struggle a lot as I always expect myself that I should achieve something which makes feels my self proud about me and happy.and yeah offcourse my parents too… but………
now I realized one another side of life that I am girl and I need to marry with some one and to take responsibility of life partner and his family….Offcourse like normal human being even I am thinking to have life partner who understands me..bit personal so will not write more J.. .As my parents never make me realized that I am girl and can’t do what guys do for career, it is difficult for me but now I understood that what life is. New expectation and……… so now expectation changed now I should learn to adjust with my career and my family off course my parents are always priority for me…forever…
So what I mean to say here is your expectation from life keeps on changing and u expect more and more from life…. At least me ya . but one point is always remains u think big and expect more but should not feel unhappy if u won’t achieve it. Keep struggling to achieve what u want and I think we can achieve atleast littile if not full in case………
And it is really fun to have some expectation which makes u feel that LIFE IS CHALLENGE…….
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Great Success Quotes
->George Herbert Allen
"Eighty percent of success is showing up."
->Woody Allen
"Always remember that striving and struggle precede success, even in the dictionary."
->Sarah Ban Breathnach
"The most successful men in the end are those whose success is the result of steady accretion... It is the man who carefully advances step by step, with his mind becoming wider and wider - and progressively better able to grasp any theme or situation - persevering in what he knows to be practical, and concentrating his thought upon it, who is bound to succeed in the greatest degree."
->Alexander Graham Bell
"The man is a success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who leaves the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty or failed to express it; who looked for the best in others and gave the best he had."
->Bessie Anderson Stanley
"Nature gave men two ends -- one to sit on, and one to think with. Ever since then man's success or failure has been dependent on the one he used most."
->Robert Albert Bloch
All that is necessary to break the spell of inertia and frustration is this: Act as if it were impossible to fail. That is the talisman, the formula, the command of right-about-face which turns us from failure towards success."
->Dorthea Bragg
"Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success."
->Stephen A. Brennan
"I honestly think it is better to be a failure at something you love than to be a success at something you hate."
->George Burns
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
About Human Being
Would like to wright about some facts of human being which I observed or experienced while passing journey of my life so far………..
· There are different types of people in world……… The difference may be in nature or attitude towards life or different qualities
Someone Is cool while someone short tempered or someone gets wild depending on situation.
I believe one facts of science applies here. Every action has reaction. For eg. If you behave aggressively with too cool person, he will not get wild as fast as short tempered but after some points of time he also loses temper and vice versa.
Few has jealous nature while someone has caring nature, someone is self centered while some one just disappears in crowd. Depending on nature u will find reserved as well as quite open people. I have even seen some people likes to remain open only with few for rest of world they are reserved.
Difference in attitude towards life
Some one takes life as it unfolds , without any future plan not even long term and lives life just for a sake of living
Someone preplans whole life even day. Has personal goal or professional goal and tries from whole heart to achieve it. For eg some people like saints i.e devotee spends whole life in prayers. Or politicians or businessman or army man etc have a goal.
Average people tries to live life as per expectation set but not so determined to achieve it.
Someone feels he is most unhappy people in world just because of minor problem in life while some one instead of having problems always remains happy and with smile.
I always try to find out why? What is reason?
I strongly believe person nature depends on family background as well as surrounding in which he lives. I have not come across other reason till date.
Feel free to share your observation. I tried to write in as simple way as I can do. Even tried to put in proper link but may be because of some limitation In expressing things in words. And I am not author J. Even I am average human being after all……..
Thursday, July 5, 2007
What is Freindship!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is collection of good slogans about friendship
- True friendship comes when silent between two people is comfortable.
- Friendship is horizon which expands whenever we approach it.
- Friendship is a single soul living in two bodies
- Friendship improves happiness and abates misery by the doubling our joy and the dividing of our grief.
- The secret of true friendship is being good listener
- A simple Friend thinks friendship is over when u have an arguments, a real Friend knows that its not friendship until u have a fight.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Chetan Bhagat’s One Night @ The Call Center
The book starts with asking three questions which looks very wearied and irrelevant with book story when you start……..
Those are…….
· One thing I Fear
· One thing that makes me angry
· One thing I do not like about my self….
Its story of normal human being like us working in call centre at night and author narrated all six people’s one night experience at work place which becomes turning point of life for each of them.
will not write full story
I wanted to list down some outcome from story from my analyses………
· Each one of us have self created problems in life. Someone is running behind career or someone behind girl/ or pleasing husband
· Some good analysis of bosses by drawing matrix. There are four kind of bosses in this world based on two dimensions
o How smart or stupid they are
o Whether they are good or evil
o Only with extreme good luck you get boss who is smart and a good human being
· There are four things a person need for success
o Medium amount of intelligence
o A bit of imagination
o Self – confidence
o Failure: to be successful you must face failure. You have to experience it, feel it, taste it, suffer it
· We did not know what, how or when things will happen in the future. And to some extent we still don’t know. But that is what life is like – uncertain , screwed up at times, but still fun.
Friday, June 29, 2007
About Me
OK .......... first start with GOD JAI SHREE KRISHNA
Too much matured sometime and kid many times :-)
Full of crowd having few close Friends
Always try to grow personally and professionally
Talkative to whom i like to talk or they like me
Pampered by parents and relatives
That's all................