Friday, October 26, 2007



When someone is doing something or about to do something, in a way I
don't want it to be done and i m not able to accept it I become ANGRY

When someone is doing something or about to do something, in a way I
don't want it to be done and I m able to accept it I remain TOLERANT

When someone is having something or someone is able to produce the results which i m not able to produce and I m not able to accept it I become....JEALOUS. .

When someone is having something or someone is able to produce the results which I m not able to produce and I m able to accept it I get INSPIRED. .

When I m encountering uncertainty or is about to encounter. uncertainty, which I m not sure how I m going to handle and I m notable to accept it it causes..FEAR in me.

When I m encountering uncertainty or is about to encounter uncertainty, which I m not sure how I m going to handle and I m able to accept it I feel ADVENTUROUS. . about it.

When someone has done something that has emotionally hurt me and I m not able to accept it it develops ..HATRED in me.

When someone has done something that has emotionally hurt me and I m able to accept it it helps me .FORGIVE them.

When someone is present in my thoughts, but is not physically present and I m not able to accept it I say I m MISSING U..

When someone is present in my thoughts, but is not physically present and I m able to accept it I say 'I m THINKING of u'...

Thus, EMOTIONAL EQUATION becomes:...

Something + acceptance = POSITIVE EMOTION..

Something + non acceptance = NEGATIVE.. emotion.

So, it is not 'something' or 'someone' who is making me feel positive or

but it's my 'acceptance' or 'non acceptance' of something .or someone, which impacts things & creates these feelings..

*Life is Beautiful *

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