Monday, July 2, 2007

Chetan Bhagat’s One Night @ The Call Center

Chetan Bhagat’s One Night @ The Call Center
I read book and wanted to list out some outcome from entire book………

The book starts with asking three questions which looks very wearied and irrelevant with book story when you start……..
Those are…….
· One thing I Fear
· One thing that makes me angry
· One thing I do not like about my self….

Its story of normal human being like us working in call centre at night and author narrated all six people’s one night experience at work place which becomes turning point of life for each of them.

will not write full story

I wanted to list down some outcome from story from my analyses………

· Each one of us have self created problems in life. Someone is running behind career or someone behind girl/ or pleasing husband

· Some good analysis of bosses by drawing matrix. There are four kind of bosses in this world based on two dimensions
o How smart or stupid they are
o Whether they are good or evil
o Only with extreme good luck you get boss who is smart and a good human being

· There are four things a person need for success
o Medium amount of intelligence
o A bit of imagination
o Self – confidence
o Failure: to be successful you must face failure. You have to experience it, feel it, taste it, suffer it

· We did not know what, how or when things will happen in the future. And to some extent we still don’t know. But that is what life is like – uncertain , screwed up at times, but still fun.


vimalonline4u said...

By reading your blog i also want to point out some facts according to my thoughts
Boss can be evil or god for us and what type of boss we will face in our life that is our luck but according to my thinking whatever nature boss will have but be loyal to them and develope a friend kind of relationship by winning their faith so he/she(boss) always cares about you,thats what i am doing and will always do and this thing always works try it out.
About Success i want to mention that these 4 points are very much right but according to my thinking person having some amount of intelligence,imagination and self confidence never get success 100% but if he/she has the power to learn from failures/mistake then he/she will surely get more thing is needed for the success is never give up attitude in life.

RA said...

good work :)
i liked it...keep posting :P

Unknown said...

good its very nice
keep it upppppppp