Monday, June 29, 2009

Better English lessons

Feedback :Feedback is a collective noun. It does not take an article and never appears in the plural.So, even if you collect feedback from five people, it'll still be feedback and not feedbacks.

Enviornment :environment. This is an overused term with metaphorical implications that often don’t fit the circumstances:
Original: The company announced that deterioration in the consumer credit environment will result in an adverse impact on its third-quarter results.
Better: The company announced that deteriorating consumer credit conditions will hurt its third-quarter results.

evidenced by: Avoid this phrase because it is passive and unnecessarily lengthens the sentence.
Other verbs, in the active form, such as show, demonstrate, or prove are better choices.

Use past instead of last.
For example: The company's revenues declined by 15% in the past three quarters (instead of last three quarters).

Continually means occurring at frequent intervals. Continuously means occurring without interruption.

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