Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Last post for Year 2008

Just now one of my friend mailed me NEW YEAR WISH IN ADVANCE for 2009... and i realised yes year 2008 is now ending. I should write today, as it will be last post for the year 2008.

As such we feel what big deal for new year.1st January will be same as of yesterday and 2008 and 2009 or so on .. years will be somewhat simillar like past ... years. But thats really idle way of looking at it. If i go back and think of my past 365 days as such i can say year was not so great but lots of minor things happened through which i can really differentiate it from earlier years... so its the way of looking at it...

Time to plan something for 2009

Clear CFA level 2
Gain more professionally as well as personally
Think on going back to coaching
Plan for investments for myself as well as for parents
Learn driving and musical instrument(casio)
Join GYM
Read Novels
Improve English vocabulary/writing communication
Keep blogging
Learn new cooking dishes

Keep mom and dad happy as much as i can
Help people
To be cool

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