Monday, April 7, 2008

Dont be straight forward..........

I made another experience in life which i will never forget now on!!!!
I always like to talk upfron to the people specially to people to whom i am close and i feel something more than just acquinties in my life but i think people dont like my attitude.......Sometime i really feel why people can't accept or listen what is truth is!!!. As i always try to see that some another person should tell me on my face when they dont like abt something which i behaved or talked on.. but to be frank i have very less people who tells me this...

So its like people likes rosy picture around you even if xomething is wrong just keep mum on it and behave as if everything is fine......... anyway even i will aslo feel like to change my self and do tit for tat.........

So my expereince says me you should not be so much streight foraward as human being doesn't like this.........

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