Friday, February 1, 2008

You never know what will happen after 5 sec.......

Yeah life is highly uncertain.... You will never know what will going to happen with you next day or probably even within one hour. This is absolutely correct in my case..
JUst before one week i was crying and cribbing to my freind that i am not getting proper work or not properly got stand in my company but again from monday onwards i can see proper shape and work which is specifically assigned to me.. so i am happy now

I was frustrated upto that extent that my mom came to know and once she knows something she will become sad as i am not happy.. so sweet she is . even she called up amik to find out what wrong with me.. on mom please some one tell her please don't take care so much !!!!!!!!!. Really sometime i really wonder how can be someone so much possessive abt someone.. but in my mom case yes... she is too much possessive abt me but i think i don't give her what she expects from me.... will try... as i always remain in my own world with so much of random thoughts.....

Anyway my happy days are back i hope it will countinue.........

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good to hear that u r getting back to normal :) Ups and downs are there to keep life happening!!!