Friday, November 2, 2007

"Golden college days………….."

Today one of my friend commented on me why don’t you put something which is written by you rather than to do copy paste so just thought let me write about my best part of life off course my golden college days which I will never forget…………

Yeah so I joined NM college.. Its NARSEE MONJEE COLLEGE……… the moment I say I was in NM !!!!!!! people around me will see me as if I am dam intelligent that’s image my college has……. And I proudly say to the people that Yessss.... I was in NM!!!!!!..

Apart from fame NM gave me a lot. The place which gave me everything…….. Because of NM I met few of close friends who all are my pals and will remain forever… Because of NM I got good education and I learnt how to fight and met with world who are more intelligent and smart so crowd made me more competitive and gave me strength to grow…..and may be that could be reason I cracked CA exams.

In NM I was most mischievous and talkative girl. I think in a year my college id was taken minimum 12-13 times by professors even in TY BCOM too he he.. but that doesn’t mean I was not serious about studies I was very serious about my CA and really worried and tensed that whether finally I will become CA or not?? May be less confidence on my self but GOD grace I did it!!!!! Really on those days I used to feel people who clears CA in first attempt must be dam intelligent and what not!!!!! I used to c my senior who cracked in first attempt as if he/she as if they are some genius but now I can imagine how innocent and fool I was :-) anyway its matter of time……….

I can imagine those days…. bunking classes, spending more time in canteen, gossiping, running for notes at exam times in fact I used to buy book before 15 days of the exams some time not even bought books he he …….., those college days..... saree day, rose day, friendship day and most important umang festival and pronites…..

I can’t imagine how much serious I became now and now I changed a lot……….Really all those who says College days are golden period of my life its true for me too………

Those college days of NM
How pleasurable were they,
Of whose friendship I am glad to win,
Years hence recall this time that knows no dearth
Ah! the remembrance of these happy days,
The music and the laughter and the wit,
Age shall grow me with the thought of it.


Y Blog? said...

hey.. nice post.

Neeti Chauhan said...

Hey Ami Really nice blog. It made me remember of my college days. I must admit that the college has given us a lot. We both have not talkd to each other during college days but now after college we r in touch with each other almost every day. Is'nt it Amazing!!