Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What can i do other than job!!!

What can I do other than Job?

Hmm.. I was thinking since last few days that what I can do other than Job......I mean if at one point of time if I decide that no I don't want to job.. do i have any other skills so that I can develop it and can go ahead with it.. well as of now I really can't think any... and that's really sad :(((

I think at present whatver I am doing is good but I really don't know where will I end up? I mean I really not gaining any expertise in any field and that was not my motive.. I was thinking in past that I will work in for all possible areas and will decide on where I can fit in properly.. but unfortunately..I am not able to...
Sometime I really feel scared for future...I mean although I have work experience but its really don't show any expertise for any particular Field...which scares me....

I think for all this I don't have any control in my hand. I just did whatever was coming on my way.......that's sad that I feel all is not proper or might be I am confused..

This is random writing.. i know sometimes I really become crazy :PP

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