Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Funy day

Sounds interesting right !!!!!!

I had funny Sunday with Ami.Don't know whats wrong with both of us on that day so many funny things happened with us...and i still laugh for it if i remember all of our foolishness.here it goes...............

Me and Ami planned to go by Star bus for our movie show on Sunday. Movie name is also funny.. my mom's new boy friend.... rather than funny movie i still laugh for our foolishness

First one...We took star bus and went for mall. We did;t recognise when our bus stop had come as usual busy in talking....we went 2 bus station ahead....so we have to walk down again towards the mall..( First joke for the day)

Than we went for dinner had pizza and club sandwich yummy..till this time luckily all things were okay

our show timing was 8.45 so by that time we went towards theater.. you know theatre was on the top floor and we didn't realise that where it is so both went down and again came back on top floor...:-))))) Second one

Than we straight away went inside in the screen four .. there was already one Marathi movie was going on and we are trying to make out why all this people are lauughing.. not on us but enjoying movie offcourse...Actually we have entered in the theatre much before the movie..hahaahahah ( luckily ami realised that we entered at wrong time and myself foolishly was trying to make out why marathi add in english movie :PP)Third one

The story doesn't end here.. finally we enjoyed movie...only with 5 people in entire theatre....

While coming back we took escalator to go down but it was not working so we used it as a staircase.. must be wondering whats wrong in this but actually that escalator was for going upstairs and not down stairs .. :PPPP

I really not done so many silly things in one day....:))))

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