Saturday, March 28, 2009

Five Point Someone

Everyone must have at least heard about Chetan Bhagat's Five Point someone. Its simple story of three friends who messed up their gardes in IIT just on desire of doing something practical or more meaning full rather mugging.............

I really liked the last part of story specially Prof Cherian's speech on last day. I can sense reality in his speech.

It says
"GPAs make a good student but not a good person"
I think its perfect. Just be ranker or topper doesn't mean that person will be good in quality too.

Believe in yourself and don't let GPA performance review or promotion in job define you.
This was most appealing statement for me. I always used to feel earlier that person in my batch if earns more than me that means ,more sucessfull or can say more smarter but I realized that I have really tried what I always thought of doing. It doesn't matter how much I have achieved but it gives me self satisfaction that yes I have tried it.

Don't judge others too quickly
Yes I completely agree on it.

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