Saturday, January 17, 2009

New office- Expected much more

Sometime i feel do i really capable of doing what i think i am capable of or it is like i am really not getting what i want? I always keep consuoling myself by saying no no its life need to struggle and all...

When i joined crisil i really had huge expectation about kind of work i will do...

I thought i will do full research on the company and will able to assign rating to full company ..... buttttttt in reallity its not like that i am only part of it.... :(((

My senouir anlyst does all that and we are just helping hands....thats fine with me as of now but want something more

Another bad part in job is seniority in crisil. People who are my age and working there from last 3 years are getting much more work and they feel i am fresher so i should narow down my expectation.. that word was pinching me when my manager told me that.. common even i am capable of doing it. .if you dont give me how do you will come to know.. but sad part i have not told all this to my manager.. i dont know by looking senior i always choose to prefer keep mum.. i know it will be dangerous.. have to do something...

Anyways.. i hope either i should narrow down my expectation or really show them that i am capable of doing it.....


RA said...

Don't worry too much sweetie... initially people will take time to see your capabilities... but if you persevere and take initiatives all will be fine... they will soon know what stuff your made of :)

Unknown said...

Dont loose your motivation in very begining... Industry is changing so ppl might think in that fashion..It is upto u to prove them wrong. All d best dear!!!