Thursday, July 17, 2008

Which is better Arranged marriage or Love marriage??

Hmm sounds interesting topic na.... Yes today i am in the mood to write something general but important topic and not on me.... hehehehe.. bus bahot likh diya mere baare me !!!!

Yes First of all I believe whether its arranged or love ,Marriage is the most important part of everyone's life. That's why no one wants to take any chance for that matter..and sounds logical too..... No one likes to be unhappy or would like to spoil life ....

I believe majority of people believes love marriage is better than another one... hmmm might be because in that case people feels they have selected the partner after knowing each other better way..

In arranged ya there is always fear that whether is it the same as you expect or something different......Ya risk is more in arranged that i agree.... but ya i would like to put Hindi movies common dialogue what female actress says " HOW CAN TWO UNKNOWN PERSON CAN MARRY "!!! :-0))))))

Anyway see now i would like to share reality what i observed. Now a days either male or female became more self centered as well as serious for their own life. All remains so much occupied with either studies or professional life or own life of interest that its very less time to think for someone else. What i mean to say people really dont care or think on this topic very seriously until they realised that everyone needs someone special in life... by that time you realise its too late to find someone and end up doing arranged marriage which is really struggle i must say :)))) and most of my friends will do agree :-)))..

Now main topic which is better..
What i feel is marriage either arranged or love,finally important is to get right partner with whom you can spend rest of your life more meaningfully and happily than any other person in the world. Only thing is to finding out such person it can be arranged or love doesn't matter much to me...


Y Blog? said...

Now that you hav started thinkng about marriage, let me wish u all the best :)
May u find the one as bubbly and lively as you and hav a wonderful life :)

RA said...

I don't agree with you.... it's never too late to find someone special in life.... it's simply the Indian mindset which sets a deadline for people to get married...nelson mandela married the love of his life after getting released from prison at the age of around 80...! its never too late my dear :)