Friday, May 16, 2008

Fight between Enthusiasum and Determination

Ya.. today i was bit free.... after long time writing my thoughts...
One thing always troubles me is imbalance between enthusiasm and my determination to implement :(:(

I can see myself as highly self motivated as well as enthusiastic person where my mind always diverts and get attracted at new things... i always start out new things with josh but finally when i try to implement i don't know what happens to me it goes for toss or my enthusiasm gets lost....:(( I am sure many of my Friends must have observed it... such kind of situation is dangerous i believe.. Either one should not have enthu or should have capabilities as well as determination to achieve what you think..

I always see myself as girl who wants everything and has enough enthu too but it just lapses over a time..

I know dhiral will definitely going to comment that ami your blogs are always full of philosophy which doesn't suits U :))) but that's what i am !!! You know other side of personality.........:)))))))))))))))

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