Thursday, March 20, 2008

What is Love?

Hmm its very difficult question to all human being specially people like us who never fall in love yet........ya its true....... i have not fall in love with anyone...:(((((( People says its your bad luck.. might be but its true... guju it says "kadva such"

First of all i got so much of love from my parents, relatives, freinds, collegues all the people around me, i really didn;t felt yet that someone special should be there !!!!!......might be if someone will come than my phylosophy will change :)) hope so.........

Hmm So come to the point.. for me love is person who accepts you as you are!!!!Who understands you.. who like you even if you are wrong........ who doesn't feel you should need to be change as he/ she wants you to be....... Person who feel he/she is most comfortable person in the universe with whom he/she can share all sorrows, problems, happiness ... ya all people want someone who feels equally happy for you for your own happiness........

Thats it.. i might be wrong as i didn't come across such person yet.... may GOD bless me...............

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