Wednesday, July 11, 2007

About Human Being

Would like to wright about some facts of human being which I observed or experienced while passing journey of my life so far………..
· There are different types of people in world……… The difference may be in nature or attitude towards life or different qualities
Someone Is cool while someone short tempered or someone gets wild depending on situation.
I believe one facts of science applies here. Every action has reaction. For eg. If you behave aggressively with too cool person, he will not get wild as fast as short tempered but after some points of time he also loses temper and vice versa.

Few has jealous nature while someone has caring nature, someone is self centered while some one just disappears in crowd. Depending on nature u will find reserved as well as quite open people. I have even seen some people likes to remain open only with few for rest of world they are reserved.

Difference in attitude towards life
Some one takes life as it unfolds , without any future plan not even long term and lives life just for a sake of living
Someone preplans whole life even day. Has personal goal or professional goal and tries from whole heart to achieve it. For eg some people like saints i.e devotee spends whole life in prayers. Or politicians or businessman or army man etc have a goal.
Average people tries to live life as per expectation set but not so determined to achieve it.

Someone feels he is most unhappy people in world just because of minor problem in life while some one instead of having problems always remains happy and with smile.

I always try to find out why? What is reason?
I strongly believe person nature depends on family background as well as surrounding in which he lives. I have not come across other reason till date.

Feel free to share your observation. I tried to write in as simple way as I can do. Even tried to put in proper link but may be because of some limitation In expressing things in words. And I am not author J. Even I am average human being after all……..

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